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Non-Recoverable Tax on Entertainment Services in UAE

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  • Non-Recoverable Tax on Entertainment Services in UAE
Shuraa Tax Consultant July 23, 2024

The UAE’s taxation system is one of the most favorable tax systems in the world. In fact, it levies no federal income tax – a fact that may come as a surprise to you. This is also one of the significant reasons that draw hundreds and thousands of expats to this region.

However, all businesses in the UAE must levy VAT (Value Added Tax) on all taxable goods. The good part is that the VAT paid on purchases of products and services used for business activities in the UAE can be recovered by registered companies. Unfortunately, this is not for all services. VAT on some special services expenses cannot be recovered by the companies. For instance, entertainment service expenses.

Entertainment services include a wide range of activities, including concerts, live performances, movie screenings, and more. Understanding how non-recoverable tax applies to these services is crucial for businesses operating in the entertainment industry, as it can have a significant impact on their bottom line.

What is Non-Recoverable Tax?

Non-recoverable tax refers to the portion of Value Added Tax (VAT) paid by a business that cannot be claimed back as a credit against the VAT charged to customers. Essentially, it’s a tax expense that directly impacts the business’s profitability.

In contrast, recoverable tax is the VAT paid on purchases directly related to the business’s taxable supplies. This amount can typically be offset against the VAT collected from customers, effectively neutralizing the tax burden.

Common examples of non-recoverable VAT in the UAE include: 

  • VAT paid on entertainment expenses (e.g., tickets to events, lavish meals)
  • VAT on personal use of company vehicles
  • VAT on goods and services used for exempt supplies

A non-recoverable tax directly impacts a business’s profitability. As it cannot be offset against the VAT collected, it increases the overall cost of operations. Consequently, it can reduce profit margins if not managed effectively. 

What are Entertainment Services Under UAE Law?

Under UAE VAT law, entertainment services are broadly defined as any service that primarily aims to provide pleasure, diversion, or amusement. Here are some common examples of entertainment services: 

  • Restaurants and cafes
  • Cinemas, theatres, and concert venues
  • Nightclubs, bars, and lounges
  • Sports events
  • Amusement parks and theme parks
  • Gaming and betting activities

Non-Recoverability of Tax on Entertainment Services

The UAE VAT law explicitly states that input tax incurred on entertainment services is generally non-recoverable. This means that businesses cannot claim back the VAT they paid on entertainment expenses as a credit against the VAT they charge their customers.

Article 53 of the UAE VAT Executive Regulations outlines the specific provisions for non-recoverable tax on entertainment services. Primarily, it states that VAT paid on entertainment services provided to anyone other than the business’s employees is non-recoverable. This includes

  • Customers
  • Potential customers
  • Officials
  • Shareholders
  • Owners

When Can VAT on Entertainment Services Offered to Employees Be Recovered?

While the general rule is that VAT on entertainment services is non-recoverable, there are specific circumstances where VAT on entertainment services provided to employees can be recovered.

To claim back the VAT on entertainment services offered to employees, a business must demonstrate that:

  • The employer has a legal or contractual obligation to provide the services to employees.
  • Providing the services is considered a normal business practice within the industry or specific role.
  • The entertainment services are directly linked to the employee’s well-being, motivation, or performance.

For example, a company provides lunch for its employees during mandatory training sessions. This could be considered a recoverable expense if it can be demonstrated that the meals are directly related to the training and are not excessive in cost.

However, the taxable entity will not be reimbursed for taxes paid on events such as Iftar parties given to staff members and employees, goodbye celebrations, staff birthday parties, music festivals, gala dinners, birthday parties, wedding parties, etc.

It’s essential to note that even if the VAT on entertainment services provided to employees is recoverable, it doesn’t automatically mean that the entire cost is deductible for tax purposes. Other tax rules and regulations may apply.

Circumstances Under Which Tax on Entertainment Services Might Be Recoverable

There are specific exceptions where businesses can claim back the tax paid:

Business Meetings 

If a business meeting includes a meal or refreshments as a necessary part of the meeting, the VAT on these expenses may be recoverable. The primary purpose of the gathering should be conducting business, and the entertainment element should be incidental. 

Staff Training and Development 

If entertainment is directly linked to a staff training or development program and is essential for achieving the program’s objectives, the associated VAT might be recoverable. 

Employee Welfare 

VAT on entertainment services provided to employees can be recovered if it’s considered a normal business practice or a legal or contractual obligation. Examples include meals provided in a company canteen, refreshments during working hours, or health and wellness activities directly linked to employee performance.

Conditions for Claiming Recoverability: 

  • The expenses must have a direct and necessary link to the business’s core activities.
  • Detailed records, including invoices, receipts, and expense reports, should be maintained to support the claim.
  • The claim should adhere to all relevant VAT laws and regulations. 

It’s essential to note that the burden of proof lies with the business to demonstrate that the VAT on entertainment services is recoverable. Tax authorities may scrutinize these claims, and businesses should be prepared to provide detailed evidence to support their position. 

How Businesses Can Identify Non-Recoverable Expenses 

Accurately identifying non-recoverable expenses is crucial for effective tax planning. 

  • Clearly classify all expenses into categories such as direct costs, operating expenses, and entertainment expenses.
  • Stay updated with the latest VAT rules and guidelines regarding entertainment services.
  • Scrutinize expense claims to ensure they align with VAT regulations and business objectives.
  • Utilize software or tools to track and categorize expenses efficiently. 

Most Importantly – Seek expert advice! 

Understanding non-recoverable tax on entertainment services in the UAE is important for any business. Knowing what counts as non-recoverable expenses and how they affect your cash flow and profits helps you manage your finances better. Keeping good records and tracking expenses carefully can save you from penalties and legal issues. 

Given how complex VAT and tax rules can be, it’s smart to get expert help. At Shuraa Tax, we take care of all your business tax needs in the UAE, including VAT. Our experienced, in-house tax agents are ready to assist you in every way necessary. Let us handle your tax management, so you can focus on growing your business. 

All you need to do is get in touch with us on or call us on +971508912062.

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