Shuraa Tax Consultants and Accountants

Internal Audit Services In Dubai, UAE

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  • Internal Audit Services In Dubai, UAE

The United Arab Emirates is home to several commercial organisations that operate their businesses not only in Dubai but other emirates as well. The magnitude of the commercial operations is such that require significant care and constant monitoring. One such process includes conducting regular audits to augment the overall operations of the business. You can also opt for reliable internal audit services in Dubai to oversee your company's processes.

Internal audits are independent & objective processes that help assess the effectiveness of the organisation's finances, operations and strategies. Conducting regular internal audits have proven to mitigate risks, enhance operational methodology, and facilitate government procedures for businesses.

Outsourcing Internal Audit Services In Dubai To Approved Auditors

It is important to have certified auditors conduct internal audits of your organisation. They help management with services like supervising & assessing the company's financial records, while also identifying and analysing risks. Company auditors also check compliance with government laws & regulations, assess business objectives, target achievements, point out gaps in operation and provide suggestions for improvement in performance.

What Is An Internal Audit?

Internal audits are an independent evaluation process that analyse over-arching aspects of any commercial entity such as internal controls, corporate governance, regulatory compliance, accounting process, book-keeping, and more. The result of a successful internal audit is ultimately to contribute to the operational valuation of any entity.

Ideally, internal audits must be performed by certified auditors who will review management practises as well as conduct departmental strategy analysis. Internal audit firms in Dubai, UAE are useful in segregating the inefficiencies in the company's financial systems and can prepare a strategy report for improvement.

Shuraa Tax Offers Reliable Internal Audit Services In Dubai

How can utilising the Internal Audit Services of Shuraa Tax boost your business performance? Shuraa Tax offers a custom-made audit method that is specific to your business requirements. Here some of the ways partnering with Shuraa Tax can expedite your internal audit process.

  • Custom strategy audit plan
  • Compliance with the highest professional standards
  • Recognising high-risk areas and implementing risk-protection processes
  • Seamless & regular client connection and interaction
  • Maintenance and preservation of ongoing operations and financial records
  • Compliance with the International Standards on Quality Control, Auditing, Review, Assurance & other related services
  • Setting up internal control procedures
  • Increase departmental efficiency
  • Periodic reporting to monitor overall performance

Benefits Of Internal Audit Services In Dubai, UAE

Getting regular internal audits done can benefit your organisation in many ways. Here is how:

  1. Operational Analysis: Internal audits present an unbiased record of the company's performance and to which extent they are adhering to the legal standards of the UAE.
  2. Adherence to Global Standards: Internal audits help put in place benchmarks that allow to gauge the growth & development of any entity while staying true to international standards.

  1. Provision of Certified Auditors: Having MoE approved auditors on your team allows you to access a wealth of industry knowledge ensuring a more precise operations assessment and risk mitigation.
  2. Objective & Impartial Assessment: An independent analysis ensures that the internal audit takes place without any influence. The data generated is essential for the implementation of progressive growth strategies in the company.
  3. Implementing Effective Management Strategies: Audit services in Dubai help point out the gaps in the internal controls thus reducing the probability of failures and improving target achievements.
  4. Effective Comparison & Analysis: Successful internal audits present a detailed comparison of the business' entire records of the previous and current months. It then become easier to identify errors in processes and rectify them.
  5. Workforce Performance Augmentation: The very nature of an internal audit makes it a reliable indicator of employee performance. Stellar work can come to the front while the discrepancies can be immediately rectified.
  6. Resource Optimisation: Internal audit firms in Dubai can help optimise the use of company's resources in such a manner that promise maximum productivity. Management can thus directly control their finances and expenses in a more profitable manner.

The Process Of Internal Audit Firms In Dubai, UAE

The United Arab Emirates has firmly established laws and regulations on how companies need to audit their operations regularly and the way to be compliant with regulatory requirements. Therefore, internal audits at the hand of licensed practitioners are now a matter of necessity.

Shuraa Tax Consultants and Accountants is among Dubai's leading financial consultants. Our team of certified auditors have a thorough process that they will walk you through. Curious to know what it entails? Check out our internal audit process below:

Departmental Analysis & Review

The very step of conducting an internal audit in UAE is to review the operations and internal controls of the company. It is important to have the details of the effectiveness of all the departments and how productive they are. An internal audit evaluates the company's processes, check whether they are compliant with UAE laws & regulations, and identify areas of improvement.

Establishing Effective Systems & Methodology

After analysing the company's practises, going through the financial records and identifying the gaps in management, the next step is to implement a checklist specifically designed to cover the areas of concern. Our team will prepare the necessary systems to help conduct the internal audit effectively.

Implementation Of Internal Audit Strategy

Once the framework has been built, the next step is to start bringing into practise the strategies suggested by the internal audit firm in Dubai. The aim is to increase operational efficiency, get the financial records in order, and ensure compliancy with all aspects of UAE fiscal regulations.

Preparing Analysis Reports

Our team of experienced internal auditors will prepare and compile comprehensive reports of all your financial records, books, and company data. Management can use these reports as the launch point from which to incorporate positive changes in their financial strategies.

Follow-Up & Support Provision

With Shuraa Tax, the journey does not end with just handing over reports. Our strives to be there throughout your company's presence in the UAE and be your reliable friend and guide for all things financial. We will regularly follow-up with your team and be available for any obstacles they may face. We will have a dedicated support team for troubleshooting and problem solving. Thus, you will never have to worry about your business operations failing again.

Choosing Internal Audit Firms In Dubai

With the introduction of Corporate Tax in the UAE, it is important for businesses to carefully maintain their books, transactions and other financial records. This is possible only through an independent and impartial internal audit. Shuraa Tax Consultants provides reliable internal audit services for your UAE company along with a variety of other financial services including Corporate Tax Registration & Filing.

Reach out to our FTA certified tax agents for a free consultation. Call us at +971 508912062 or email at

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